Why Does Frequent Sex Make People Happier?

Why Does Frequent Sex Make People Happier?

Its pretty evident as to why sex makes people happier, anybody would agree, however for the sake of the word count for this blog post I’m going to back that statement up with some sources.

According to Debrot and colleague, frequent sex is associated with greater emotional well-being, increased positive emotions and affectionate interactions with a romantic partner, which in turn, leads to a higher probability of more sexual encounters in the long term (Debrot, Meuwly, Muise, Impett & Schobi, 2017). The participants in this study recorded their satisfaction through a daily diary, in which it was discovered that partners that reported engaging in sexual interactions within the last 24 hours experienced a higher state of positivity.

With that evidence, why are people who have more sex happier? Is it just the sex? As The British Psychological Society Research Digest says “It’s all in the cuddling“. There has been a considerable lack of research looking at the affection and tenderness that ensues between romantic partners hours and days after sex. It is a human need to experience belonging and satisfying emotional connections with other individuals and partners. One of the ways that human beings can experience this need for affection is through non-verbal interactions. Sex is thought to be the dominant form of nonverbal affectionate behaviour, however in a recent study, it has been concluded that touch is the “most common non-verbal form of affection” (Debrot, Schoebi, Perez & Horn, 2013).

Through four different studies focusing on the connection between affectionate experiences, sexual activity and the impact those two factors have on well-being, Debrot and colleagues further explore the human need for affection:

The first study’s purpose was to just solidify the science behind the contribution sex has on well-being, also expecting that the frequency of affectionate touching would greatly influence this relationship, concluding that sex had a direct effect on well-being, as predicted, hinting at the indication of affection having an effect on how satisfied an individual is with life after sex.

The second study delved into whether or not sex influenced positive emotions, while also determining how often affectionate touching and frequency of sexual interactions occur. The results also coincided with the hypothesis similarly to study 1, and was found that men actually prefer affectionate touches more than women, and experience a higher sense of well-being when affection was associated during/after sexual activity.

In the third study, it was hypothesized that affection and sex would improve daily life. This was also proven true, going to the point of deducing that couples that were satisfied with daily sex experienced a higher rate of relationship satisfaction six months later (Debrot et al., 2017).

The fourth and final study in this research further solidified the effect affection has on the proven sex-wellbeing relationship. The results from this study has shown that affection not only positively influences one’s well-being, but as previously stated, also increases the chances of sexual encounters later.

In conclusion: Studio Thursday one-night-stands could possibly improve your wellbeing, but if there’s no cuddling after sex, is it really worth it?

Thanks for the read! 🙂


Debrot, A., Schoebi, D., Perrez, M., & Horn, A. B. (2013). Touch as an interpersonal emotion regulation process in couples’ daily lives: the mediating role of psychological intimacy. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 39(10), 1373-1385.

Debrot, A., Meuwly, N., Muise, A., Impett, E. A., & Schoebi, D. (2017). More Than Just Sex: Affection Mediates the Association Between Sexual Activity and Well-Being. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin

8 thoughts on “Why Does Frequent Sex Make People Happier?

  1. Hey Dakota!
    They say that sex sells, but it appears to attract a lot of comments for a social cognition blog as well. Your comment at the end about one-night stands made me wonder if the benefits of sex extend there as well, and if said benefits are greater with greater partners, but shorter-term interactions, or if they are better in the long-term, with less partners. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to find a study that addressed this. Did you encounter anything like this during your readings? Since I wasn’t able to find anything that addressed the aforementioned topic, I decided to look into the reasons that cuddling leads to more fulfilling sexual relations. In turns out that cuddling increases levels of the neuro-hormone oxytocin. Oxytocin plays a variety of important roles in human pair bonding. One that I think is especially relevant to blog post is that high circulating levels of oxytocin have been correlated with longer lasting relationships. Additionally, high levels of oxytocin correlate with a number of romantic behaviours, such as laughing together, and finishing one another’s sentences. Administration of intranasal oxytocin has also improved communication during couples therapy, resulting in men smiling more, having more eye contact, and opening up about their feelings. It would be interesting to see if intranasal oxytocin begins to become a staple of relationship therapy during the future.




  2. I really love your topic it is very interesting. A lot of people also believe having frequent sex in their relationship helps their relationship last longer or are happier in the long term. However, an article I looked at indicates, “that the frequency with which couples have sex has no influence on whether or not they report being happy with their relationship, but their sexual frequency does influence their more spontaneous, automatic, gut-level feelings about their partners,” says psychological scientist Lindsey L. Hicks of Florida State University, lead author on the research. You should take a look at this article it is very interesting. Reference: http://www.psychologicalscience.org/news/releases/does-frequent-sex-lead-to-better-relationships-depends-on-how-you-ask.html#.WL4kw2VlmRs


  3. Very interesting read!!
    I found this one read on how intercourse is good for your heart, as it can be aerobic exercise, and your body is burning about 2000 calories every time. Women who are involved with having regular sexual intercourse tend to have a higher estrogen level content in their body, as this also decreases their chances of getting heart disease. For men who engage in sexual intercourse two times a week, have less heart attacks, compared to men who do not. Sex releases hormones which rises an individuals blood pressure and heart rate, and also generally uses every muscle in the body. Post sexual intercourse, the blood vessels become wider, as the blood pressure decreases, and interestingly, this can relief stress headaches.



  4. Your topic is on sex so obviously our entire class is going to be very intrigued!

    The study I found supports your idea that sex makes people happier but also reduces social anxiety. The study looked into undergraduate students and analyzed their sexual activity and quality of sex in relation to social anxiety. The time-lagged analysis found that the greater the quality of sexual intercourse and emotional connectedness (cuddling) reduced social anxiety for that day and days to follow in people that showed high social anxiety.

    So the out take from this study is that by having good sex, makes us more confident, reduces our negative social comparisons and social anxiety.

    Kashdan, T B., Adams, L M., Farmer, A S., Ferssizdis, P. McKnight P E., & Nezlek H B. (2014). Sexual healing: daily diary investigation of the benefits of intimate and pleasurable sexual activity in socially anxious adults. Springer. Retrieved from:http://web.a.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.uleth.ca/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?sid=aa5bed81-32d3-487d-9497-bdfb363604a9%40sessionmgr4009&vid=7&hid=4101


  5. Very cool!

    I found a study where the experimenters created a variable that required the participants to have sex more frequently to see if it affected happiness. Increased frequency actually decreased happiness, and the experimenters found that this was because the sexual activity was required, rather than just done for enjoyment. The findings in this study are similar to Ana’s comment in the sense that it decreases happiness when the participants aren’t in the mood, but affects both males and females in this case. I think that since it became an activity that needed to be done rather than wanted to be done, your information on physical affection afterwards became relevant in the sense that physical affection might have been limited due to the circumstances of the study. What do you think?

    Loewenstein, G., Krishnamurti, T., Kopsic, J. & McDonald, Daniel (2015). Does Increased Sexual Frequency Enhance Happiness? Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 11, 206-218. doi: 10.1016/j.jebo.2015.04.021


  6. Very interesting post! Since you focus slightly more on men in your post, I thought I would find an article about women! (hehe). So I found one that talks about distraction during sexual relations, and how thinking about other things or “not being in the mood” greatly effects the positive outcomes of sexual activity. Women in the study who reported being distracted or “not in the mood” showed significantly less positive emotions before and after sex, and were more prone to “faking it”. The authors hypothesized that this may be because men are more open to sexual behaviours from very young ages, whereas women are generally taught to keep those urges hidden, thus making the whole situation less appealing to them. I thought the outcome of the study was kind of sad 😦 but nonetheless very interesting!



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